How to Become a Veteran Tree Specialist
The veteran tree specialist has been around a bit and has developed a high degree of expertise regarding the care and management of veteran trees. These individuals are crucial in helping to maintain biodiversity, ensuring an optimal lifespan for historically significant trees and in maintaining the integrity of historic landscapes. But how does one become a veteran tree specialist? In this post, we'll find out.
What's Needed to Become a Veteran Tree Specialist?
There are no specific requirements for becoming a veteran tree specialist but the following will typically make that status easier to achieve:
A degree in forestry or arboriculture.
Certifications including a level 6 diploma in arboriculture.
Taking and passing specialised courses in veteran tree management.
Hands-on Experience
Some experience working as a tree surgeon, forester or arborist.
Volunteering with organisations that promote tree conservation.
Assisting in some fashion with tree surveys.
Knowledge of Veteran Trees
If you hope to become a veteran tree specialist you will need to understand how veteran trees are different from other trees. Some characteristics of veteran trees include:
They are historically or culturally significant.
They often have hollow trunks and/or decayed areas that provide safe harbour for wildlife.
A growing downwards or shortening of the crown.
Other Important Skills
The ability to conduct tree risk assessments.
Knowledge of the pests, diseases and other phenomena that often affect veteran trees.
The ability to map, record and monitor the health of veteran trees using various tools.
The ability to write accurate, concise reports for landowners and policymakers.
In Addition…
Networking is another important aspect of being a veteran tree specialist. Organisations including the Arboricultural Association, the Ancient Tree Forum and others provide invaluable opportunities to meet and learn from those who have already spent years caring for ancient and veteran trees throughout the UK.
Contact Tree Care Training
Caring for veteran and ancient trees is one of the most rewarding aspects of being a tree surgeon. But if you hope to move into that particular field of arboriculture, you will need experience and specialist knowledge. The DTE Academy is where you obtain it. Get in touch today to learn more.