Common Tree Surgeon Qualifications — Tree Care Training

Learn Some Common Tree Surgeon Qualifications - The DTE Academy


Becoming a tree surgeon does not require an advanced medical degree but it does require that you obtain a number of certificates demonstrating your capabilities when it comes to the various aspects of the job. Below, we will take a look at some tree surgeon qualifications.

Common Tree Surgeon Qualifications

The following information should give you an idea of some of the certificates etc. available for those who want to become a tree surgeon. Keep in mind that not all companies or positions will require all of these qualifications.

The Royal Forestry Society Certification in Arboriculture - Often called the RFS Cert Arb, this is obtained from the RFS by proving competency in things like chainsaw maintenance and operation, as well as aerial rescue techniques.

City & Guilds Phase II Certification - This type of certification is obtained via City & Guilds approved centres. It indicates you have demonstrated both practical skills and technical knowledge related to arboriculture and is equivalent to QCF Level 2-3.

International Society of Arboriculture Certification - This certification is roughly equivalent to a QCF Level 2. It differs somewhat from other types of certification because it requires continuous updating of one’s skillset in order to remain valid.

Courses Needed to Become a Tree Surgeon

The following are the courses you will need to take if you wish to become a Tree Surgeon.

City & Guilds NPTC Chainsaw Maintenance and Cross-Cutting - This course teaches the candidate the proper maintenance of their chainsaw as well as the correct method of cross-cutting trees at ground level. The lessons typically involve a combination of workshop activity and hands-on experience in the woodland environment. Candidates will learn how to cross-cut timber under tension, meaning fallen branches or any other type of timber in a similar situation.

City & Guilds NPTC Level 2 Award in Chainsaw Maintenance and Cross-Cutting and Felling and Processing Trees up to 380mm - In this course, candidates will learn about the directional felling of trees using chainsaws. The felling technique employed will differ depending on the tree's height, weight, species and overall health as well as weather conditions. As the course unfolds participants will learn how to determine the proper technique to employ as well as how to execute that technique safely and effectively.

City & Guilds NPTC Level 2 Award in Safe Use of Manually Fed Wood-Chipper - The wood chipper is an integral component of the Tree Surgeon's arsenal and during this 1-day course participants will learn how to safely operate and effectively maintain the wood chipper machine. There are no prerequisites for this course although candidates will need to provide their own Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

City & Guilds NPTC Level 2 Award in Tree Climbing and Rescue - Much of the Tree Surgeon's work is performed at height. Therefore it is essential that they understand the proper way of ascending and descending a tree as well as how to perform an effective aerial rescue of a colleague. This course teaches the candidate how to perform rescues in a variety of situations, including the safe removal of both conscious and unconscious colleagues.

DTE Academy Qualified Arborist Suite - The DTE Arborist Suite is a comprehensive suite of lessons designed to provide participants with all the qualifications they need to become a Tree Surgeon. The entire suite takes place over the course of 6 weeks

Additional Competencies

The following are used to determine a person’s tree surgeon qualifications on a practical level.

NPTC Certificates - These certificates are issued by the National Proficiency Tests Council and given to those who demonstrate competency in chainsaw management and operation, as well as the ability to conduct aerial rescues, operate stump grinders and more.

LOLER Certification - Tree surgeons are often required to use heavy equipment to access branches that can’t be reached any other way. LOLER stands for Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations. Obtaining this certification means you are qualified to operate said equipment.

Misc - You may see adverts for tree surgeons stating that their work conforms to BS3998 and think this is another type of certification you need to obtain. Such is not the case. It simply means the company strives to meet British Standard Recommendations for Tree Work.

Contact DTE

If you would like to learn more about tree surgeon qualifications give DTE a call on 01959 524 623 or email us at: